Our next Self Defense Workshop meets September 27 at 6:15pm and features gun defense. Learn More

Why We Teach Perseverance

Life lessons to help develop the whole person

What is Perseverance?

Perseverance is persistence despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. In simple terms, the idea of NEVER giving up! You’ve heard people say that they have learned more from their failures than they did from their successes — it’s true. We measure people not by how they fall, but how they stand up, dust themselves off, and apply what they have learned to become successful in later attempts.

Teaching Perseverance is Key!

Teaching Perseverance to children is more important today than ever before. Kids these days are growing up in a world of immediate gratification. Think about it — social media, video games, and every other childhood toy is designed to keep the kid engaged. By the time our children make it to adulthood, many do not know how to handle the difficulties and challenges that life throws their way. The result is bad job performance, unemployment, or worse – a complete breakdown of the individual. Failure at something is human. In fact, to “fail” literally means – First Attempt At Learning.

Powerful Word Program

Innovative Martial Arts Academy is an excellent place to teach your children how to deal with adversity through perseverance. One of the many ways we teach perseverance is through our Powerful Word Program. Our character education program introduces a specific character trait each month where we:

  • Instill the definition of the word 
  • Explain why the trait is important
  • Define how to put the character trait into action in the real world (home, school, community)

Perseverance at the core of all we do

Our martial arts lessons themselves are another way we teach perseverance. Our belt tests are challenging, and with each progressive rank, they become more and more difficult. No one gets a participation trophy in our academy. People fail belt tests and sometimes that comes with tears and set backs. However, our students learn from that experience and persevere through the adversity. We teach them to assess the situation and grow for all the experiences life sends their way.

The ROI for your kids experience

What did you learn from this experience? What can you do to improve? And most importantly, did you succeed when you tried hard and didn’t give up on our goals? By the time our kids reach university age, they’ve already learned how to make good grades, have respect for themselves and others, AND how to overcome difficulty in life. Our program works! ROI is in our students – their interactions and their success in life.

What to do now?

Try one of our children’s karate classes. Our instructors are amazing at challenging your children to be the best they can, and supporting them through times when they struggle. We want to help your child to grow not only physically, but mentally as well.

Ready To Get Started?

Build your skills one day at a time. Sign up now and start today.

Our Reviews

Great school with wonderful teachers. My daughter has a great time learning and everyone is friendly. There is even an adult class that allowed me to try to see if I liked it and everyone was very patient with me. I am thankful to have my daughter be a part of the Innovative Martial Arts Academy in Wake Forest and know she is benefiting from it in more than one way. It amazes me how fast she is learning and how hard she is trying. They have her trying to develop at her fullest with her mind, body, and spirit. I would recommend this school to anyone interested in martial arts.

Janice P.

This place is great! Charles and his team have fantastic programs for kids. When we started our 3.5 year old son, I didn’t know what to expect. He quickly adapted to the classes and now loves going. Our 2 year old son loves watching and will start as well as soon as he turns 3. Innovative Martial arts also hosted their birthday parties. The kids had a blast doing different activities throughout the birthday party. Can’t say enough good things about this place, and what they teach!

William D.

Wonderful place for not only skill development but also personal development. Owner and instructors genuinely get to know students and families and care about them. The lessons learned will provide character growth as well as martial art skills. The owner is also a long time student of many different martial arts, he didn't just buy a franchise, and tries very hard to live what he teaches the students. Proud to have been in this dojo family for 6+ years and proud of the friendships we have made there!

Kristi F.